Life Coaching & Adventure Retreats

Professionals in Child and Teen Development

Empowering and Inspiring kids and teens to become their best selves

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Open Your Child’s World And Let Them Discover Their Independence

Elevate Confidence, Self-Worth, Resilience, and Grit.

No matter where life takes them, they will naturally rise to the top and find their own personal success.

They will Embark on a journey of self-discovery and
reflect on their personal identity.

This adventure not just into the bush but through life coaching too, offers your child an opportunity to explore the depths of who they are, uncovering their passions, and gaining a profound understanding of their true self. Join us to help your child delve into the essence of their being and emerge with a clearer vision of their unique identity.

At this pivotal stage in every young person's life, taking the necessary time to reflect on their personal identity becomes the key to
unlocking success in various aspects of life.

From academics and further studies to relationships, professional ambitions, and beyond, understanding who you truly are and who you aspire
to become lays the foundation for a fulfilling future.

Allowing them to discover their purpose will ignite motivation and passion, transforming your child into the adult you envision and empowering them to
navigate life's journey with purpose and determination.

Forge lasting and meaningful friendships on camp that stand the test of time.

Our camp fosters lifelong friendships and a strong sense of brotherhood. Make memories and forge connections from around the world that will leave an indelible mark on their life.

Wherever their journey leads, they’ll carry the bond formed in our programs, connecting them to a global network of empowered individuals who share the same transformative experiences.

Join us for an adventure that extends beyond the camp, creating a brotherhood that spans continents and lifetimes.

Acquire essential life skills that will
empower them for a lifetime.

They can discover their life's purpose and unlock a newfound sense of direction. Experience enhanced self-confidence and belief in their capabilities. Cultivate stronger social skills and build lasting relationships.

Gain the ability to communicate effectively in group settings with newfound confidence. Embrace a positive outlook on life
and fearlessly embrace new challenges.

Develop resilience and determination to thrive in any situation. Learn to keep calm under pressure and conquer obstacles with grace.

Appreciate and celebrate the diversity of those around you. Build the capacity to embrace change and navigate life's transitions with ease.

Disconnect from technology and embrace the freedom of being present in the moment.

This gives them the chance to reconnect with their inner strength and balance by disconnecting from technology and social media.

Rediscovering the beauty of living in the moment and uncovering their true self.

This empowers their independence and identity by removing technology's influence and embracing a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Up close photo of happy elephant in africa, on Angus Lowe programmes boys Learn about conservation, anti-poaching and protecting our planet

Your child will embark on an immersive and educational journey, delving into the realms of conservation, anti-poaching, and safeguarding our planet.

Engaging in meaningful experiences that deepen their understanding of environmental preservation and ignite a sense of
responsibility towards our natural world.

Get up close to wildlife and diverse ecosystems, learning about the pressing challenges our planet faces. Discover how they can actively contribute to protecting our precious ecosystems and wildlife for generations to come.

Join us in becoming advocates for a sustainable future and guardians of Mother Earth on this unforgettable journey of education, empowerment, and action for a thriving and sustainable planet.

Wildlife Warriors: Uniting for Conservation
and Anti-Poaching Efforts

Young man with courage, building inner strength, Angus Lowe teen boys self development courses

β€œIt takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

β€” E. E. Cummings